Luna Gift Set

Impress with a colourful and contemporary gift set featuring lunar designs.

From $95.00
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5 Based on 7 customer reviews
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About the Product

Discover Bateel’s remarkable gift packaging in mesmerising hues

Beautifully complemented by a striking gold crescent moon, the Luna collection is sure to impress this Ramadan. A truly unique gift, the collection is available in five vibrant colours and sizes. Share this exquisite gift with friends, family and colleagues.

Filled with Bateel organic gourmet dates, it makes for a healthy and thoughtful gift this Ramadan. Dates provide an instant energy boost and are packed with essential vitamins and minerals for a delicious, healthy treat.  

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Gifting Information
  • The gift includes a complimentary personalised card which can be added during checkout
  • Each order comes with Bateel paper bag
  • Additional gift wrapping is not available for this product

Luna Gift Set

Impress with a colourful and contemporary gift set featuring lunar designs.

Discover Bateel’s remarkable gift packaging in mesmerising hues

Beautifully complemented by a striking gold crescent moon, the Luna collection is sure to impress this Ramadan. A truly unique gift, the collection is available in five vibrant colours and sizes. Share this exquisite gift with friends, family and colleagues.

Filled with Bateel organic gourmet dates, it makes for a healthy and thoughtful gift this Ramadan. Dates provide an instant energy boost and are packed with essential vitamins and minerals for a delicious, healthy treat.  

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