Biscuits and Date Bars

Финиковое печенье

Традиционное финиковое печенье и маамуль от Bateel — это заветное воплощение проверенных
временем кулинарных традиций, привлекающее гостей своим аутентичным вкусом, вызывающим ностальгию.

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Bateel’s finest delicacies especially for you

Treat yourself or a loved one to a premium gift of some of our finest delicacies. Designed to provide a treat to your taste palate, these luxurious delicacies are sure to leave you brimming with contentment. Our irresistible, soft and delicious Turkish Delight is made with the finest pistachios and hazelnuts. Presented in a high-quality tin box, this delicacy is a force to reckon with.

Delight yourself with our handmade date biscuits offered in a beautifully packaged box. Created with the finest ingredients, this signature box of luxuriously assorted biscuits is sure to deliver a perfect balance of flavour with dates as the star ingredient. If you fancy something a little simpler, we also have premium short bread, made with a unique and exclusive recipe. Irrespective of the delicacy you choose, you will be taken on an astounding journey of taste.