Wanan Dates with Candied Ginger
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Filled with candied ginger, Bateel's exclusive Wanan dates present a warm, zesty flavour.

$103.00 per kg
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  • Приблизительный вес фиников: 1090 grams
  • Размер подарочной упаковки (Ш х Д х В): 17 x 17 x 8 см
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О продукте

Premium Wanan dates and sweetened ginger that practically melt in the mouth

The impressive Wanan dates feature dark, wrinkled skin in a long, cone shape. They are like Khidri dates but offer a sweeter flavour and softer texture. When paired with a strip of candied ginger, these dates are wholly satisfying.

Bateel grows gourmet Wanan dates in conditions which mimic their natural growing environment. This ensures superior quality and world-class flavour that Bateel is renowned for. The extraordinary filled Wanan dates provide an indulgent treat to your taste palate. Feel free to order Bateel-exclusive Wanan dates right from the comfort of your home.

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Wanan Dates with Candied Ginger Nutrition Facts
Wanan Dates with Candied Ginger

Wanan Dates with Candied Ginger

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Filled with candied ginger, Bateel's exclusive Wanan dates present a warm, zesty flavour.

Premium Wanan dates and sweetened ginger that practically melt in the mouth

The impressive Wanan dates feature dark, wrinkled skin in a long, cone shape. They are like Khidri dates but offer a sweeter flavour and softer texture. When paired with a strip of candied ginger, these dates are wholly satisfying.

Bateel grows gourmet Wanan dates in conditions which mimic their natural growing environment. This ensures superior quality and world-class flavour that Bateel is renowned for. The extraordinary filled Wanan dates provide an indulgent treat to your taste palate. Feel free to order Bateel-exclusive Wanan dates right from the comfort of your home.

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