Red Noel Gift Set

Featuring colourful winter motifs, Bateel’s Red Noel gift box collection has a vibrant red hue befitting a joyous Christmas gift.

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Expédier vers pour des frais d'environ $0.00. Livraison estimée entre le Jun 19 - Jun 25 .

À propose du produit

Unbox delectable gourmet dates packed in colourful red gift sets

In time for the holiday season, Bateel’s Noel Red gift packaging blends the best in colour and design. With a simple yet vibrant design, this traditional collection is perfect for the joyous occasion of Christmas. The shimmering gold and green snowflakes design adds to the whole Christmas theme.

When filled with an assortment of Bateel’s finest gourmet dates and fillings, the Noel Red gift set is sure to enthral your loved ones. Bateel dates are grown using conventional methods of farming, resulting in a high-quality produce with fine texture. You can easily order this gift set from the comfort of your home.

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Red Noel Gift Set

Featuring colourful winter motifs, Bateel’s Red Noel gift box collection has a vibrant red hue befitting a joyous Christmas gift.

Unbox delectable gourmet dates packed in colourful red gift sets

In time for the holiday season, Bateel’s Noel Red gift packaging blends the best in colour and design. With a simple yet vibrant design, this traditional collection is perfect for the joyous occasion of Christmas. The shimmering gold and green snowflakes design adds to the whole Christmas theme.

When filled with an assortment of Bateel’s finest gourmet dates and fillings, the Noel Red gift set is sure to enthral your loved ones. Bateel dates are grown using conventional methods of farming, resulting in a high-quality produce with fine texture. You can easily order this gift set from the comfort of your home.

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