Cassandra Gift Set

With a textured gold effect, the Cassandra gift set is a shimmering sensation. Available in multiple sizes, the Cassandra gift box is the perfect gift for colleagues, friends or family.

From $33.00
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5 Based on 4 review(s)
Only %1 pieces available for order

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Ship to with approximate shipping fee of $0.00. Estimated delivery is between Jun 22 - Jun 28 .

About the Product

Delight in the unmatched style of the Cassandra collection, a Bateel bestseller

Simple and elegant, the Cassandra gift box collection features an iconic dark brown base and textured lid in light gold. Packed with Bateel’s gourmet dates and premium fillings, it would make for a healthy and thoughtful present during both official events and family functions.

Wholly organic and deliciously wholesome, Bateel dates are an excellent source of fibre, natural sugar, iron and magnesium. Capable of boosting energy upon instant consumption, dates are also a flavourful source of minerals. When placing an order online, feel free to customise the box by choosing from two attractive ribbon variants – Classic or Fancy.

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Gifting Information
  • The gift includes a complimentary personalised card which can be added during checkout
  • Each order comes with Bateel paper bag
  • Additional gift wrapping is not available for this product

Cassandra Gift Set

With a textured gold effect, the Cassandra gift set is a shimmering sensation. Available in multiple sizes, the Cassandra gift box is the perfect gift for colleagues, friends or family.

Delight in the unmatched style of the Cassandra collection, a Bateel bestseller

Simple and elegant, the Cassandra gift box collection features an iconic dark brown base and textured lid in light gold. Packed with Bateel’s gourmet dates and premium fillings, it would make for a healthy and thoughtful present during both official events and family functions.

Wholly organic and deliciously wholesome, Bateel dates are an excellent source of fibre, natural sugar, iron and magnesium. Capable of boosting energy upon instant consumption, dates are also a flavourful source of minerals. When placing an order online, feel free to customise the box by choosing from two attractive ribbon variants – Classic or Fancy.

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