Medjool Dates with Candied Orange Peel
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With a tangy orange peel, Bateel’s Medjool dates are a sweet indulgence.

$103.00 per kg
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  • Приблизительный вес фиников: 1090 grams
  • Размер подарочной упаковки (Ш х Д х В): 17 x 17 x 8 см
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О продукте

Discover the wholesome flavour of Medjool with the twist of orange

One of the largest date varieties, Medjool dates are great for those in quest of a healthy, satisfying treat. Bateel’s home-grown Medjool dates feature a reddish-brown skin and amber-hued flesh. Naturally sweet with a lingering aftertaste, these dates provide a succulent bite.

Bateel’s Medjool dates taste even more delicious when paired with a strip of candied orange peel. Moreover, they are free from sodium, cholesterol and fats. When buying from Bateel, you can also opt to have them encased in a deluxe wooden gift box or packaging.

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Medjool Dates with Candied Orange Peel Nutrition Facts
Medjool Dates with Candied Orange Peel
Размер порции100g
Количество на порцию - Калории329
Общий жир2.2g
Насыщенные жиры0.4g
Общие углеводы76g
Пищевые волокна9.8g
Общий сахар24g
Добавленный сахар1g

Medjool Dates with Candied Orange Peel

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With a tangy orange peel, Bateel’s Medjool dates are a sweet indulgence.

Discover the wholesome flavour of Medjool with the twist of orange

One of the largest date varieties, Medjool dates are great for those in quest of a healthy, satisfying treat. Bateel’s home-grown Medjool dates feature a reddish-brown skin and amber-hued flesh. Naturally sweet with a lingering aftertaste, these dates provide a succulent bite.

Bateel’s Medjool dates taste even more delicious when paired with a strip of candied orange peel. Moreover, they are free from sodium, cholesterol and fats. When buying from Bateel, you can also opt to have them encased in a deluxe wooden gift box or packaging.

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