Date Biscuits

Discover a decadent and flavourful assortment of premium date biscuits.

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О продукте

A curated selection of traditional date biscuits presented in an elegant gold tin, perfect for gifting.

Indulge in an assortment of exceptional date biscuits made from the finest ingredients. The delightful selection features ten flavours: Milk Half Moon Biscuit, White Half Moon Biscuit, Milk Chocolate Maamoul, Dark Chocolate Maamoul, Pistachio Shortbread, Almond Shortbread, Chocolate Chip & Date Dhibs Cookie, Milk Chocolate Sesame Praline Bisuit, Date & Orange Cookie and Pecan & Date Dhibs Cookie.

This gourmet delicacy offers delectable varieties prepared using Bateel’s organic dates as a key ingredient, complemented with a selection of premium nuts and coated in rich chocolate. Best enjoyed with Bateel’s Qahwa coffee, Arabica coffee or tea.

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Date Biscuits Nutrition Facts
Date Biscuits
Порций в упаковке11
Размер порции32g/2pcs
Количество на порцию - Калории166
Общий жир9.4g
Насыщенные жиры5.3g
Общие углеводы18g
Пищевые волокна0.9g
Общий сахар10g
Добавленный сахар7.4g
Витамин D0.49mcg

Date Biscuits

Discover a decadent and flavourful assortment of premium date biscuits.

A curated selection of traditional date biscuits presented in an elegant gold tin, perfect for gifting.

Indulge in an assortment of exceptional date biscuits made from the finest ingredients. The delightful selection features ten flavours: Milk Half Moon Biscuit, White Half Moon Biscuit, Milk Chocolate Maamoul, Dark Chocolate Maamoul, Pistachio Shortbread, Almond Shortbread, Chocolate Chip & Date Dhibs Cookie, Milk Chocolate Sesame Praline Bisuit, Date & Orange Cookie and Pecan & Date Dhibs Cookie.

This gourmet delicacy offers delectable varieties prepared using Bateel’s organic dates as a key ingredient, complemented with a selection of premium nuts and coated in rich chocolate. Best enjoyed with Bateel’s Qahwa coffee, Arabica coffee or tea.

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