Juno Tray - Square
  • Tout magasiner

An elegant square glass tray lined with gold leaf.

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Expédier vers pour des frais d'environ $0.00. Livraison estimée entre le Jun 11 - Jun 17 .

À propose du produit

Share the joy of Ramadan.

Juno is a classic, elegant tray with a Square shape that is ideal for sharing a selection of Bateel’s exquisite gourmet range during the Holy Month. The sophisticated combination of glass and gold leaf is crowned with Bateel’s signature henna pattern as a sign of impeccable taste.

Available in plain and filled varieties, Bateel’s organic dates are loved throughout the world. Grown in perfect conditions, the dates are harvested by hand on a majestic estate in the heart of Arabia. The tray can also be filled with Bateel’s exquisitely crafted biscuits, chocolate truffles or assorted wrapped chocolates.

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Informations sur les cadeaux
  • Le cadeau comprend une carte personnalisée gratuite qui peut être ajoutée lors du paiement
  • Chaque commande est livrée avec un sac en papier Bateel
  • Aucun emballage cadeau supplémentaire n'est disponible pour ce produit

Juno Tray - Square

  • Tout magasiner

An elegant square glass tray lined with gold leaf.

Share the joy of Ramadan.

Juno is a classic, elegant tray with a Square shape that is ideal for sharing a selection of Bateel’s exquisite gourmet range during the Holy Month. The sophisticated combination of glass and gold leaf is crowned with Bateel’s signature henna pattern as a sign of impeccable taste.

Available in plain and filled varieties, Bateel’s organic dates are loved throughout the world. Grown in perfect conditions, the dates are harvested by hand on a majestic estate in the heart of Arabia. The tray can also be filled with Bateel’s exquisitely crafted biscuits, chocolate truffles or assorted wrapped chocolates.

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