Stella Red Tree Gift Box

Make a memorable impression this Christmas with Bateel’s Stella Red Tree gift box collection featuring a festive tree-shaped design.

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Zum Produkt

Explore Bateel’s remarkable gift packaging with the Stella Tree collection

A perfect harmony of colour, design and finish – Bateel’s Stella Red Tree gift box collection makes for a grand impression. With the unique outline of a festive tree, decorated with shimmering star motifs, this Christmas gift collection is a reflection of pure decadence. The brilliant design of golden geometric patterns adorning the cover is sure to delight your loved ones when packed with the finest gourmet dates from Bateel.

Rooted in Arabian culture and hospitality since 1936, Bateel is renowned for the finest dates across the globe. Each Bateel date is sourced using sustainable farming practices and promises superior quality. Customise your Stella Red Tree gift with a premium selection of organic dates, featuring an assortment of nut and candied fruit fillings.

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Informationen zu Geschenken
  • Das Geschenk enthält eine kostenlose personalisierte Karte, die während der Kaufabwicklung hinzugefügt werden kann
  • Jede Bestellung wird mit einer Papiertüte von Bateel geliefert
  • Eine zusätzliche Geschenkhülle ist für dieses Produkt nicht erhältlich

Stella Red Tree Gift Box

Make a memorable impression this Christmas with Bateel’s Stella Red Tree gift box collection featuring a festive tree-shaped design.

Explore Bateel’s remarkable gift packaging with the Stella Tree collection

A perfect harmony of colour, design and finish – Bateel’s Stella Red Tree gift box collection makes for a grand impression. With the unique outline of a festive tree, decorated with shimmering star motifs, this Christmas gift collection is a reflection of pure decadence. The brilliant design of golden geometric patterns adorning the cover is sure to delight your loved ones when packed with the finest gourmet dates from Bateel.

Rooted in Arabian culture and hospitality since 1936, Bateel is renowned for the finest dates across the globe. Each Bateel date is sourced using sustainable farming practices and promises superior quality. Customise your Stella Red Tree gift with a premium selection of organic dates, featuring an assortment of nut and candied fruit fillings.

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